Tomás O'Raghallaigh, Frontline International Sales Manager, recieves the Continua Health Alliance Key Contributor Award
Summer 2010!

Tomás O'Raghallaigh from Frontline Test Equipment is an engaged and involved Test and Certifcation Working Group (TCWG) member. His technical expertise as well as his dedication has been instrumental in the success of the Continua plugfests since the beginning. He has provided his personal time to help Continua members debug their products at numerous plugfest events.

In addition, Tomas has been influential in getting the Frontline Test Equipment analyzer code into the CESL code base free of charge, and Tomas has been persistent in educating Continua members on the value this free code brings. Despite a full travel schedule, Tomas consistently participates in TCWG as well as the CCB and selection committee subgroups and provides valuable input to the team.

Thank you for your dedication to the success of the TCWG and Continua. Your technical expertise, commitment, and dedication have been invaluable to all.

Continua Health Alliance